Meetings with International Colleges
In accordance with the HKCA bye-laws, an election to the College Council was conducted earlier and the results of the election were sent to HKCA fellows and members together with the AGM notice. The Council extended a very hearty vote of thanks to all retired members of the Council – Dr Victor Cheung, Dr Po-tong Chui and Dr Bassanio Law.
Council (2019-2021)
President | Prof CHEUNG Chi Wai |
1st Vice President | Dr SO Hing Yu |
2nd Vice President | Prof LUI Cho-ze Joseph |
Honorary Secretary | Dr CHAN Simon Kin Cheong |
Honorary Treasurer | Dr LEUNG Kit Hung Anne |
Assistant Secretary | Dr WONG Man Kin (Henry) |
Assistant Treasurer | Dr CHAN Chi Wing (Timmy) |
Council Members | Dr CHAN Albert Kam Ming Dr CHEE Yee Eot Dr CHOW Yu Fat Prof Michael IRWIN Dr LIU Tak-chiu (John) Dr John LOW Dr NG Siu Keung Dr WONG Ho Shan Steven |
Annual General Meeting
The 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Tuesday 20 August 2019 at Sheraton Hotel. The President presented the report of the Council and the Honorary Treasurer presented the report of the auditor. The subscription fees for 2020 remain unchanged.
Design Competition for College’s Official Souvenir
The College is exploring a representable, meaningful and presentable gift as the College’s official souvenir which will be presented to our distinguished guests. Fellows and members with artistic minds are invited to contribute designs for the souvenir. The concept of the souvenir could be in drawing or photo or any means that could be emailed to . The deadline for submission is 30th September 2019.
The winner will be awarded HK$2,000 and the design will be produced as the College’s official Souvenir. The result will be announced at the congregation dinner this year. For enquiries, please contact Ms Kristy Cheung at
Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2019 (16 – 17 November 2019, Hong Kong)

We are delighted to announce that Registration for Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology (ASM 2019) is officially open.
The meeting theme “Towards a Greater Mind” has been carefully chosen to highlight the importance of
• stimulating our minds with new knowledge and evidence
• being more mindful of safety gaps in our current practice
• embracing innovation and technology that can take anaesthetic care to new heights
• building resilience and well-being within ourselves to let us provide the best care for our patients.
Our scientific program will bring you the latest developments in preoperative optimization, extended recovery stay, lower limb regional techniques in high risk cases, sharing from experts on managing the “pump and the pipes” inside and outside of our patients, and the “extra mile” anaesthetists can walk to improve comfort and safety for mothers and children. Our safety symposium, oxygenation workshop and crisis refresher workshop aims to explore ways to make the OR safer, and equip participants with skills to handle challenging anaesthetic scenarios.
Woven into our social program is a series of activities aimed to nourish the mind. The “Greater Mind Workshop Series” combine insights from neuroscience and behavioural psychology with meditation techniques to promote mindfulness and resilience. We also invite you to a unique chocolate workshop and labyrinth walking meditation experience towards the end of the day to unwind.
The ASM is a place to renew friendships, extend our networks, and jointly explore current and future directions of our specialty.
Take a look at our registration brochure for programme details. You can now REGISTER ONLINE at Please register on or before 16 October 2019 for Early-Bird rate.
Come be inspired at our ASM for a greater and healthier mind!
Yours sincerely,
Vivian Lau
Chairperson, ASM 2019 Organising Committee
Exemption from Intermediate Exam by Intensive Care (IC) Trainees
Board of Intensive Care Medicine would like to remind all IC trainees that if they wish to apply for an exemption from HKCA Intermediate Exam by an overseas examination result, they have to apply to the Board in writing. All applications would be considered individually and granting of such approval will be up to the discretion of the Board. The applicant should provide a reason for such an application, which would be taken into consideration during the approval process.
Appointment of Co-convenor of Combined Scientific Meeting 2022
The College has received overwhelming applications from our enthusiastic fellows for the Co-convenor of Combined Scientific Meeting (CSM) 2022 co-hosted by Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) in Hong Kong in May 2022. The Council have faced a difficult task in selecting the right candidate for this position as all of them are so suitable and competent. After Council’s thorough discussion and consideration, Dr Wong Man Kin (Henry) at Prince of Wales Hospital has been appointed as the Co-convenor of CSM 2022.
Final Fellowship Examination in Pain Medicine 2019
The final fellowship examination in pain medicine was successfully held at Tin Shui Wai Hospital on 22nd June 2019. The Board was grateful to have Dr Michael Vagg, the Vice Dean of Faculty of Pain Medicine of ANZCA, as the external examiner, and offer their congratulations to Dr Aaron Ying.

Anaesthesia 2020

Anaesthesia 2020 is the flagship conference of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) and will be held at Old Trafford in Manchester, United Kingdom on 18th-20th May 2020. In 2020, the meeting will be co-badged with the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA), the College of Anaesthetists of Ireland (CAI) and the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists (HKCA) which brings together the world-class speakers together to deliver extremely high-quality educational content. The event is also a unique opportunity to meet and network with over 500 people working within the field of anaesthesia, critical care, pain and perioperative medicine across the world. For details, please visit the meeting website here.
The fellows and members of HKCA are entitled 10% off the non-members rate. You just need to enter the code “HKCA2020” which will be valid until 31st January 2020. The discount will then drop to 5% which will be valid until the end of March 2020. If you are also the member/fellow of RCoA, you would be able to get the discount of the Member/Fellow rate.
Academy’s new issue of newsletter academyfocus amongst the College’s Fellows, members and trainees. The issue is now available on HKAM website.
The certificates of the following fellows have not been collected yet. To collect your certificate, please go to the College’s Office during office hour.
Chan Shing Chau, Ng Nga Lai Alice, Li Ho Yin Adrian, Wai Ka Ming
Ng Wai Tsan
Pain Medicine:
Li Cheuk Yin
Mak Ho Kwong Peter