Exit Assessment
All candidates for Fellowship of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists, save Honorary Fellowship, will be required to undergo an Exit Assessment. Fellowship shall be awarded only after successful completion of the Exit Assessment.
Applications to sit for the Exit Assessment shall be made to the Censor-in-Chief of the College. Applicants must submit the corresponding (1) Fellowship Application Form , and (2) Trainee Training Statistics Form with the (3) relevant documents to the Censor-in-Chief at least 21 days before the scheduled Exit Assessment dates.
1. Fellowship Application Form:
2. Trainee Training Statistics Form (for trainees who are trained under the old curriculum, i.e. training starting before 1 July 2018)
3. Relevant documents includes:
- The original or a notarized copy of either their primary medical qualification or a valid licensing/practising certificate, if it has not been submitted before,
- The original or notarised copy of their higher qualification diploma recognised under Administrative Instruction on Fellowship ad eundem if appropriate,
- Evidence of passing the relevant Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists Examinations if appropriate,
- Evidence of satisfying the project requirement, in accordance with Guidelines on Project Requirement,
- Log books or other documentation of anaesthetic training if applicable, and
- Completed and signed Vocational Training Forms and in-training assessment forms or on e-portfolio
- Provisional Fellowship Year (PFY) Learning Activity Report (*for trainees in anaesthesiology starting after 1 July 2018)
The Board of Censors shall check the documents submitted. Applicants who satisfy all the criteria shall be invited for the Exit Assessment.
Administrative Fee
Effective from March 1999, a non-refundable administrative fee of HK$20,000 shall be levied and such fee shall be determined by the Council from time to time. A separate Fee shall be charged for each subspecialty fellowship application.
Administrative fee is waived if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The applicant is a registered trainee who has completed all the training and examination requirements.
2. The applicant had been a registered trainee and had sat for the relevant final FHKCA examination of that subspecialty.
3. The applicant submits a re-application within one year of being notified of the unsuccessful application, and produces evidence that the shortfall had been made up.
The College will conduct Exit Assessment once every three months. Exit Assessments will be held on the following dates:
18 January 2024 (Thu) |
23 April 2024 (Tue) |
18 July 2024 (Thu) |
28 October 2024 (Mon) |
Updated November 2023
Fellowship Ad Eundem
Resolutions on the ad eundem admissions – applicable to the specialty of Anaesthesiology and sub-specialty of Intensive Care and Pain Medicine.
1. All applications are to be received by the published deadline of 31 October every year, together with a cheque of HK$20,000 as administrative fee.
2. The applicant must be a registered medical practitioner with MCHK; a member of HKCA; currently and continuously practicing Anaesthesia / related subspecialty for 3 years in Hong Kong preceding application.
3. The applications will be vetted by Board of Censors.
4. Only short-listed applicants will be invited to attend the very next Exit Assessment.
5. The Exit Assessment panel will make a final recommendation to Council.
For enquiries, please email the College.